Mission H2 and TeamNL give positive energy to the energy transition. Specifically, the aim of the mission is, together with the government and a large number of Dutch companies, to have realised a mini-chain by the summer of 2024, during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, leading to a fully functioning hydrogen market by 2030. Read more about the role and vision of Remeha below.
Hydrogen is not new, but it offers new opportunities. For residential heating and hot water supply, hydrogen gas can play an important role, especially in existing construction for both utilities and private residential environments. We can use the existing natural gas infrastructure for the distribution of hydrogen gas after some practical adjustments. This is a great advantage because in this way it is available in very many places in the Netherlands.
Remeha has developed the Netherlands' first hydrogen boiler and the first trials are promising. Remeha does not see hydrogen as the only answer to energy transition, but as one of the answers. This is precisely why Remeha is investing heavily in the development of hydrogen (central heating boilers), why we are part of Mission H2 and why we participate fully in pioneering hydrogen projects such as Uithoorn, Rozenburg, Apeldoorn and Lochem.
Hydrogen and hybrid; a good combination
Hydrogen offers many possibilities and more and more research is being done on this, but to realize a successful energy transition we need to accelerate. Remeha believes in the application of hydrogen, but alongside other energy carriers, such as heat networks and electricity. Consider, for example, the application of hydrogen alongside a hybrid heat pump. Our vision of a sustainable living environment remains the same: through multiple paths to sustainability.
Making Dutch sports more sustainable
Together with Mission H2, Remeha will make an emphatic contribution to making Dutch sports more sustainable. Together with other partners we will use our sustainability knowledge and experience to further make Dutch sports more sustainable. Hydrogen is a solution for tomorrow, but Remeha has concrete solutions now that make sustainability feasible for sports clubs and Olympic sports venues. In this way we can make a concrete contribution to our promise: a better living environment for everyone.